Sponsors & Partners of Intersolar & ees Middle East

Our Partners, Supporters and Sponsors contribute decisively to a successful event. We would like to sincerely thank the following companies for their support.



Silver Sponsor

Clenergy was founded in 2007 in Melbourne, Australia with a manufacturing HQ in Xiamen China. A solution provider to the renewables & building industry. We specialise in the development, manufacturing, and engineering of solar mounting & cable management gear for your next project.


Silver Sponsor

DEKRA was originally founded in 1925 to ensure road safety through vehicle inspection. With a much wider scope today, DEKRA is the world’s largest independent non-listed expert organization in the testing, inspection, and certification sector. As a global provider of comprehensive services and solutions, we help our customers improve their safety, security, and sustainability outcomes. In 2022, DEKRA generated sales totaling nearly EUR 3.8 billion. The company currently employs almost 49,000 people who offer qualified and independent expert services in approximately 60 countries on five continents. With a platinum rating from EcoVadis, DEKRA is now in the top one percent of sustainable businesses ranked.

Uper Energy

Silver Sponsor

Uper Energy specializes in the operation and management of new energy assets for the industrial and commercial sectors and operation, maintenance and management of the new type of power systems and is one of the core drafting units of the national standard for the specification of operation and maintenance of the PV power station.

Supporter and Conference Partners

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