Philippe Macé

Job Title
Becquerel Institute

Philippe Macé, Chief Operating Officer at the Becquerel Institute, a Belgian strategic consultancy and applied research company specialising in photovoltaic solar energy. Where he has been working for more than 8 years.Philippe has a strong expertise in new business model design as well as in techno-economic issues, both upstream of the value chain, such as PV production cost assessment, and downstream, on systems competitiveness assessments. With his team, Philippe is exploring all key aspects of solar PV, from economics to technology, market and regulation as well as environmental or social life cycle analysis, providing strategic insights and creating value for customers as part of consulting missions and research projects.
Philippe has a double academic background, with a MSc in Business Engineering as well as an MSc in Environmental Sciences and Management.

April 08, 2025Cost of Manufacturing BIPV Modules and the Associated Challenges

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