Dr. Lili Wang

Job Title
Senior Director-Renewable Energy Materials
Technology Innovation Institute

Dr. Lili Wang is Senior Director-Renewable Energy Materials of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Research Centre of Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi. She received her bachelor's degree on Materials Chemistry in Fudan University in 2005 and was awarded Ph.D. on Materials Chemistry and Physics in Chinese Academy of Science in 2010. Before joining TII, she worked as Director of Process Technology and served as Member of Patent Review Committee in Solaria, a solar module manufacturer based in the US, California, a pioneer developing high-density shingle module technology (acquired by Maxeon in 2023). During 2018-2019, she led the development of upscaling process of perovskite thin film PV technology in Energy Everywhere Inc., a startup company in Berkeley, California. Prior to starting her journey in the US solar industry, she worked on perovskite solar cell development as a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Fellow at Michigan State University and a visiting researcher at Case Western Reserve University respectively. Her research at TII is focused on materials and process development for advanced solar PV (cell and module) technology including emerging thin film PV and c-Si.

April 07, 2025Material Innovation for Solar PV in the Middle East

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