Sebastian Bartels

Job Title
SVP, Head of Global Sustainability Services

Sebastian Bartels is leading the global sustainability services area at DEKRA, helping organizations to define and achieve their sustainable development related goals and strategies. With a background in safety & environmental engineering, Sebastian is responsible for DEKRA's portfolio providing sustainability solutions spanning testing, inspection, certification, verification, training and advisory services in the areas of Energy Transition, ESG and Circular Economy. Previously, he worked in various senior management and expert roles in the Consulting, Testing, Inspection and Certification industry, as well as in Mobility, Logistics and Transportation. He is active in global, European, and national standardization and associations and teaches post-graduates at a university as associated lecturer. Sebastian lives in Belgium and Germany. DEKRA is the world's leading unlisted and independent expert organization, combining technical expertise and global presence in over 60 countries.

April 17, 2024Trusted Transitions: Ensuring Safety and Sustainability in the Evolving Energy Landscape

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